Galveston has two cruise ship terminals that are located next door to each other. Typically, the first cruise terminal is used by Carnival Cruise ships. When two Carnival ships are docked in port one will be at each terminal. Royal Caribbean ships as well as Disney Cruise ships almost always use Cruise Terminal #2. In June 2017, I cruised on the Carnival Valor and we used Cruise Terminal #2 for embarking and debarking in Galveston.
Upon arriving at Cruise Terminal #2 we found an area that was for luggage drop off. Several luggage porters were around taking luggage from cruisers. After checking in our luggage we headed to the main entrance of the cruise terminal. We walked into the cruise terminal building and got in line to get our passports scanned and boarding passes checked.
Following this check, we were directed to the security checkpoint. There were several security lines opened up to minimize congestion.
After security we continued walking into what is considered part of the new area of cruise terminal #2. The bottom floor of this new part was setup with several check-in area counters. We checked in and were directed to an escalator that took us up one floor and into the second level of this area. During check in we were given zone numbers and told to sit by the seats that had our zone. The waiting area had several chairs that were lined up in rows. Restrooms were available as well as vending machines that were located close to the restrooms. There were some circular windows to look while we waited.
When it was time for boarding and our zone was called, we were directed to get in line. We got our shipboard cards (Sail & Sign card) scanned and then proceeded down a hallway. We were not at the gangway yet, but were getting close. We continued walking down this somewhat long hallway and then we finally got to the gangway. Once we were up the gangway we were on our ship!
Getting Off:
After we debarked our cruise ship, we headed back down the gangway and into the cruise terminal. We headed back down the same hallway that we entered, but instead of going into the check in area we were directed down a long ramp. This long ramp took us to the terminal's bottom level and then we walked across the cruise terminal in order to get to Customs & Immigration. Since I took all my luggage with me I do not know about people needing to get luggage. Customs & Immigration had several lines open and once we were through this checkpoint we were allowed to head towards the cruise terminal's exit. The TABC had a table setup for cruisers to declare their alcoholic purchases that were getting brought back into Texas.
Upon arriving at Cruise Terminal #2 we found an area that was for luggage drop off. Several luggage porters were around taking luggage from cruisers. After checking in our luggage we headed to the main entrance of the cruise terminal. We walked into the cruise terminal building and got in line to get our passports scanned and boarding passes checked.
Following this check, we were directed to the security checkpoint. There were several security lines opened up to minimize congestion.
After security we continued walking into what is considered part of the new area of cruise terminal #2. The bottom floor of this new part was setup with several check-in area counters. We checked in and were directed to an escalator that took us up one floor and into the second level of this area. During check in we were given zone numbers and told to sit by the seats that had our zone. The waiting area had several chairs that were lined up in rows. Restrooms were available as well as vending machines that were located close to the restrooms. There were some circular windows to look while we waited.
When it was time for boarding and our zone was called, we were directed to get in line. We got our shipboard cards (Sail & Sign card) scanned and then proceeded down a hallway. We were not at the gangway yet, but were getting close. We continued walking down this somewhat long hallway and then we finally got to the gangway. Once we were up the gangway we were on our ship!
Getting Off:
After we debarked our cruise ship, we headed back down the gangway and into the cruise terminal. We headed back down the same hallway that we entered, but instead of going into the check in area we were directed down a long ramp. This long ramp took us to the terminal's bottom level and then we walked across the cruise terminal in order to get to Customs & Immigration. Since I took all my luggage with me I do not know about people needing to get luggage. Customs & Immigration had several lines open and once we were through this checkpoint we were allowed to head towards the cruise terminal's exit. The TABC had a table setup for cruisers to declare their alcoholic purchases that were getting brought back into Texas.