For cruising, luggage is typically divided into the two main categories of carry on and check in. Carry on luggage is brought on by the cruiser and not turned into the cruise line to be delivered to the cruiser's stateroom. Check in luggage is turned in to the cruise terminal for delivery to the cruiser's stateroom.
General Information About Carry On Bags
Consider taking a carry on bag with you for embarkation day. It would be helpful if the carry-on bag is light, compact, and easy to carry so you are not stressed with the bag while waiting to go to your cabin. A carry on bag is helpful if your luggage gets lost or separated so you would still have something to wear. While carry on bags have benefits, you will still have to keep up with the bag. Make sure you don't leave your carry-on bag in the cruise terminal or somewhere onboard the ship. Before deciding whether or not to take a carry on bag evaluate if you are in physical condition to do so and if you are willing to keep up with it. I recommend putting a luggage tag and contact information on your carry-on bag even though you are not checking this bag in.
Ideas Of Things You Should Put In A Carry On Bag:
- Anything You May Need For Day #1 of The Cruise
- Essential Medication
- Travel Documentation (Putting In Carry On Bag Makes It Easy To Show It At Check-In)
- 1 Pair of Extra Clothing
Luggage That Will Be Delivered Onboard For You
Make sure you close your suitcase completely and have luggage tags secured tightly before giving the cruise line your luggage. Make sure you don't pack your travel documentation in the checked in luggage, as the cruise line may not be able to find the luggage before departure and you may not get to board. Keep in mind when turning in your luggage at the terminal that you may not see it for a few hours and it could be searched by security for any reason.
DO NOT: Do not leave your boarding pass, travel documentation, or identification in luggage that you will be checking in to have delivered to your stateroom. This is because you will need these things in order to check in for your cruise. Your cruise line may not be able to search for your luggage that contains your important documentation and this could result in not being able to board your cruise. Again, do not put these items in your check in baggage.
General Information About Carry On Bags
Consider taking a carry on bag with you for embarkation day. It would be helpful if the carry-on bag is light, compact, and easy to carry so you are not stressed with the bag while waiting to go to your cabin. A carry on bag is helpful if your luggage gets lost or separated so you would still have something to wear. While carry on bags have benefits, you will still have to keep up with the bag. Make sure you don't leave your carry-on bag in the cruise terminal or somewhere onboard the ship. Before deciding whether or not to take a carry on bag evaluate if you are in physical condition to do so and if you are willing to keep up with it. I recommend putting a luggage tag and contact information on your carry-on bag even though you are not checking this bag in.
Ideas Of Things You Should Put In A Carry On Bag:
- Anything You May Need For Day #1 of The Cruise
- Essential Medication
- Travel Documentation (Putting In Carry On Bag Makes It Easy To Show It At Check-In)
- 1 Pair of Extra Clothing
Luggage That Will Be Delivered Onboard For You
Make sure you close your suitcase completely and have luggage tags secured tightly before giving the cruise line your luggage. Make sure you don't pack your travel documentation in the checked in luggage, as the cruise line may not be able to find the luggage before departure and you may not get to board. Keep in mind when turning in your luggage at the terminal that you may not see it for a few hours and it could be searched by security for any reason.
DO NOT: Do not leave your boarding pass, travel documentation, or identification in luggage that you will be checking in to have delivered to your stateroom. This is because you will need these things in order to check in for your cruise. Your cruise line may not be able to search for your luggage that contains your important documentation and this could result in not being able to board your cruise. Again, do not put these items in your check in baggage.